Design and Draw Dust Collectors
Design and Draw Dust Collectors
The Filtercorp engineering team has one single focus — to deliver innovative solutions tailored to our customer’s specific requirements.
This has driven the Filtercorp engineering team when developing over 500 engineering solutions for dust management challenges globally. Our solutions have ranged in performance from 200m3/hr to 72000m3/hr. From dust collectors, baghouses and silo vents to cyclones and wet scrubbers.
Filtercorp cages & filter bags fitted inside cell plate.
We have also provided solutions for some of the largest aluminium smelters in New Zealand, dairy factories in New Zealand, Australia and South East Asia.
Our innovative approach was born many years ago when we designed and manufactured the first tool-free bag changing system in New Zealand.
“the type of dust challenges or industries that you are involved with does not inhibit us.”
We learn from every project and coupled with our innovation, we ensure we deliver a solution that is specific for your needs.
Having already provided solutions in the food industry, pharmaceutical, wood, soap/detergents, galvanizing fumes, coal handling, dairy, cement, flour, plastics, alumina/smelting, grains, asphalt, sugar, petrochemical and steel industries — the type of dust problem you have or industry you are involved with does not inhibit us. It in-fact invigorates us to develop a solution — how ever great the challenge may be.